Australia is well-known for its rich biodiversity, long history of indigenous aboriginal culture and extraordinary geographical landscapes. In order for our students to submerge into Australian culture and enhance their generic skills, our school organized a 13-day study tour to Australia in the summer vocation. A series of basic and advanced pre-trip training courses were organized in mid-May and the post-examination period. The courses included knowledge and skills of different learning areas such as astronomy, history and culture, plants and animal studies, geology and basic photo- & video-graphic skills. Students were awarded certificates for appreciating their active participation in the courses.
In late July, 25 students visited Adelaide, Melbourne, Great Ocean Road and the Ayers Rock, etc. They set foot in many scenic spots and experienced Australian aboriginal culture. The most memorable were the penguin parade on Phillip Island, Twelve Apostles, Uluru, Valley of the Winds, the scenery on Kangaroo Island and the unique paintings by the indigenous people of Australia. Besides, several museums and art galleries created good learning opportunities for history and culture through appreciating the exhibits. Furthermore, the students also conducted a series of activities such as taking high-quality astronomical photos, measuring of tree heights and ages, observing plant characteristics, measuring soil pH value, observing rock characteristics with a Proscope and taking videos with a drone. Students’ generic skills (such as communication, collaboration, leadership, sense of responsibility and independence, etc.) have been greatly improved through the visits and activities.
Students and teachers shared their learning outcomes with all students in CFSS on 26 November 2014 and 27 November 2014. They prepared posters exhibition, workshops and videos for the participants.
澳洲素來以豐富的生物多樣性、悠久的土著文化和奇特的地理景觀聞名,為了讓學生親身體驗其中並學習不同的共通技能,學校於暑假期間舉辦 了為期十三天的澳洲交流團。為了讓同學於抵達澳洲後可以欣賞和學習到最豐富的知識,學校分別於五月中旬和試後活動期間舉行了多次基本和高級團前訓練課程, 當中包括了不同範疇的知識和技巧,如天文、歷史文化、動植物研究、地質學和基本拍攝和錄影技巧。同學們於團前訓練班後均獲得獎狀以讚揚他們踴躍的參與。
二十五位學生於七月下旬出發前往澳洲多個地方如阿德萊德、墨爾本、大洋路和艾爾斯岩等等。他們遊覽了很多景點和體驗了不少澳洲土著文化,如菲利浦島的企鵝 回巢、十二門徒石、艾爾斯岩、風之谷和袋鼠島上的風光、向土著學習獨有的繪畫特色等等。同學們亦參觀了各大博物館和美術館,透過欣賞展品而學習到有關的歷 史和文化。除此之外,同學亦進行了一系列的考察活動,如拍攝星體、量度樹木的高度和歲數、觀察和辨認植物的特徵、量度泥土的酸鹼度、利用Proscope 觀察石頭的特徵和利用飛行攝影機拍攝等等。透過整個旅程的參觀和考察活動,同學們的共通技能(如:溝通、協助、領導才能、責任感、獨立性等等)亦提升不 少。