The Paradigm Shift of Teaching
There has been an overwhelming reform of teaching pedagogies over the past 20 years – from traditional ‘direct teaching’ to ‘knowledge-based teaching’ and ‘teacher-centered’ approaches’ to the current ‘inquiry-based’, ‘skill-based’ and ‘student-centered approaches’. In light of school-based management introduced by EDB, the teaching pedagogies adopted in Hong Kong’s primary and secondary schools vary. Some schools still adopt the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ approach while some others prefer project-based teaching, activity approach or e-teaching; some schools like CFSS may adopt various teaching pedagogies and provide enrichment courses, school-based activities and overseas study tours, etc. Students and parents can choose the school that suits their needs.
Over the past two months, classes in Hong Kong have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the schools introduced different online teaching so as to let students ‘learn at home’. The implementation of e-learning and online learning is indispensable. In addition to arousing schools’, teachers’ and students’ awareness towards e-learning, the class suspension has also encouraged teaching resources providers, schools and teachers to share online learning resources.
Learning during the Pandemic: Teaching, Feedback and Evaluation
Fortunately, CFSS has started developing mobile learning and e-learning since 2007. With over 13 years of experience of manipulating e-learning tools and platforms, our school’s e-learning tools and platforms are diversified. To cater for the specific needs of different subjects, different departments are making use of the most suitable learning systems for teaching. The e-learning systems / teaching platforms our school is currently employing are numerous – Google Classroom, eClass Classroom, Microsoft Team, Edpuzzle and Edmodo, etc. for Learning Management System (LMS); real time video conferencing systems like Zoom, Google Hangout Meet, Microsoft Team Streaming from Microsoft Team and Cisco Webex, etc;Socrative, Nearpod,Google Form and Microsoft Forms and so on for learning and teaching evaluation; and self-directed learning platforms like Online Question Bank from HKEdCity and BrainPop. The quality of learning and teaching is always the top priority of our school, and enhancing students’ self-directed learning skills is one of our missions. We believe that apart from pursuing academic excellence, it is also important for our students to keep abreast of new e-learning technology and be equipped with 21st century learning skills and attitude.
In view of class suspension, the School has summoned a special academic meeting and has requested all departments to provide appropriate ‘teaching, feedback and evaluation’ during this period. Our teaching staff undoubtedly has made used of various resources to implement e-learning. All departments have promptly reconsidered a better distance learning plan after reviewing the effectiveness of the first two weeks’ programmes, which is also the reason for releasing teaching materials every two weeks.