
Secondary 3 Science (Biology)

Mini-project on Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Information sheet

Class and Class No. 3A (8 )

Class No. Lai Chun Hoi

Year: 2017-2018

Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.

Chinese name: 檸檬薄荷

Family Name (科名): Lamiaceae

Scientific name (學名): Mentha citrata

Common name (俗名): Mentha Sole

習性: 十分耐寒 Growth habit: Able to survive in cold condition


葉邊呈鋸齒狀 Leaf: The leaf edge is serrated


紫色花萼 Flower: Purple in colour


草藥檸檬 Fruit: Herbal Lemon


揉一揉會聞到一股檸檬的香味 Properties Smell of lemon can be found after rubbing it

主治 肚子疼 Treats for stomach aches


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Previous Scientific Research (if any):

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Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks

Mentha citrata https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentha_citrata

檸檬薄荷 https://baike.baidu.com/item/柠檬薄荷


(Beginner) Q1. What can Mentha citrate treat? Answer: Stomach aches

(Elementary) Q2. Where can we find Mentha citrate ? Answer: In Central America.

(Advanced) Q3 What kind of dishes can Mentha citrate be cooked into? Answer: Mint congee, Mint Tofu, Mint Tea etc