

Class and Class No. 3E (16)
Name Lau King Lam
Year: 2017-2018


Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name: 黃芪
Family Name (科名): Fabaceae
Scientific name (學名): Astragalus hamosus


Common name (俗名): milk vetch





Growth habit: Grow in drought area
葉:窄小,羽狀複葉 Leaf: Narrow, pinnately compound, terminal tendril
花:洋紅色,在葉腋成對地生長 Flower: magentaas pairs in leaf axils
果:豆莢內藏210顆種子 Fruit: Legumes with 2 to 10 seeds
性味功能 味甘,性微溫, 益氣升陽,固表上汪,利水消腫


Properties: slightly sweetantiperspirant, reinforce qi.
主治: 增強表面抵抗力,促進膿液排出和新組織生長。 Treats: strengthen the superficial resistance, and promote the discharge of pus and the growth of new tissue.
知多一點點:一些黃芪種類有毒 More to learn: Some milk vetch can be toxic.


Previous Scientific Research (if any):



Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
General information of milk vetch http://libproject.hkbu.edu.hk/was40/detail?record=1&channelid=44273&searchword=黃芪&sortfield=+name_chi_sort
Usage of milk vetch https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astragalus




(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1.where does milk vetch grow in?

Answer:Drought area

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2. Can you suggest other usage of milk vetch?


(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3.Why can milk vetch treat the problem mentioned above?

Answer: Refer to the link of the usage of milk vetch.