All posts by idbeditor
RI042 Icelandic Lava
RI041 Ash from Mt. Sakurazim
RM033 Marble
Class: 5E Name: Shum Tsoi Tin Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:(化石) (岩石) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物) Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral) 形成:(岩石) (礦物) 大理石是有由石灰岩凝結而成,它是由風化破壞了石頭然後沉積為沉積物,當沉積物被掩埋時,它被壓實和接合形成沉積岩(石灰岩)。變質岩(大理石)通常位於岩漿接觸出岩的區域,在火山和地殼之間發生,當岩石受到高溫和高壓時,變質作用改變岩石的組織和礦物組成,因高溫會使岩石融化並重新凝結成新的岩石,形成變質岩(大理石)。 原生物:(化石) Formation:(Rock) (Mineral) Marble is formed by limestone which is a sedimentary rock, it is due to weathering breaks down the rock that is transported and deposited as sediment, when sediment is buried, it compacted and cemented to form sedimentary rock (limestone). Metamorphic rock (marble) usually located at the zone where the magma intrusion touches…
RM032 竹葉青玉石
RM031 Bloodstone
Class: 5E (19) Name: Daniel Mak Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:(化石) (岩石) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物) Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral) 形成:(岩石) (礦物) 雞血石,是各種碧玉或玉髓,它是石英的隱晶質混合物。石英晶體通常在熱水溶液中生長,溫度在100°C和450°C之間,通常在非常高的壓力下生長。在冷卻和凝固過程中,它也可以在富含二氧化矽的熔融岩石中形成。有許多不同的石英品種,其中幾種是半寶石寶石,血石就是其中的一個例子。它在深度和溫度較低的地方通過富含矽石的地下水在裂縫和空洞中沉澱而形成。 Formation: Bloodstone, is a variety of jasper or chalcedony which is a cryptocrystalline mixture of quartz. Quartz crystals typically grow in hot watery solutions at temperatures between 100°C and 450°C and often at very high pressures. It can also form in silica-rich molten rock during cooling and solidification. There are many different varieties of quartz, several of which are semi-precious gemstones, bloodstone…
RM030 Mylonite
Class: 5E (18) Name: Kristal Mak Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:(化石) (岩石) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物) Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral) 形成:(岩石) 糜棱岩是在韌性斷層帶中,在折疊和斷層期間由於大剪切應變的積累而形成的韌性變質岩。這一過程涉及到母岩幾乎完全的粉碎,原始礦物幾乎完全分解並重新結晶為緊密連接的較小顆粒,形成緻密堅硬的岩石。 Formation:(Rock) Mylonites are ductilely deformed rocks formed by the accumulation of large shear strain during folding and faulting, in ductile fault zones. This process involves nearly complete pulverisation of the parent rock so the original minerals are almost completely broken down and recrystallise as smaller grains which are tightly intergrown, forming a dense, hard rock. 特性: 糜棱岩的紋理是平坦的。它很細膩,晶體需要在顯微鏡下觀察;有時含有斑晶。糜棱岩很硬。此外,顏色是可變的,從灰色到黑色,但可以根據母岩成分以各種顏色形成。根據原始岩石的原始組成而變化極大。觸摸的時侯很光滑的。 Properties: The texture of Mylonite is foliated. It…
RM029 Yuhua Stone
Class: 5E (17) Name: Luk Hau Lam Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:(化石) (岩石) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物) 二氧化矽、石英和矽酸鹽 Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral) Silicon dioxide, quartz and silicates. 形成:(岩石) (礦物) 雨花石的形成發生在長江,秦淮河和渭河兩岸,尤其是河流遇到的地方。主要由沉積,壓實和膠結作用形成。其中包括來自侵蝕山脈,沙子和其他不同顆粒的微小碎片被沖入水中,並開始沉降,形成沉澱過程。然後,更多的層會聚集在一起,並向下層施加壓力,展示壓實過程。隨著更多的地層和進一步的壓實,這將迫使水層之間的額外空間。鹽晶體將多層粘合在一起。其中,有很多天然斑斕的斑點和條紋斑斕的石頭。關於這些彩色雜色石的形成,早期形成於玄武岩裂縫中,有些形成於侏羅紀火山岩裂縫或空隙中。在熔岩凝結過程中,石英脈在寒冷條件下穿插。在壓力下,帶電荷的溶質經歷交替的電荷變化,導致二氧化矽溶質與載體介質的連續分離。一個或多個晶核凝聚形成一個美麗的圖案。由於應用的化學元素不同或各種元素的含量不同,從而形成各種顏色。 原生物:(化石) Formation:(Rock) (Mineral) The formation was took place in theYangtze River, the Qinhuai River and the banks of the Weihe River, especially where the rivers meet. While formed mainly by the…
RM028 Pink Clouds Stone
Class: 5e Name: Justin li Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:顯生宙 化學組成, 鍵及結構:SiO2 Geological Age: Phanerozoic Chemical composition, bonding and structure: 二氧化矽 形成:岩石 礦物 原生物:化石 Formation : Rock Mineral Living Specimens: Fossil 特性:蠟質,無光澤,無色,灰色,紅色,白色,或嵌入礦物質的顏色 Properties: Waxy, Dull,colorless, gray, red, white, any color due to embedded minerals 用途:the art of hard stone carving Application: 硬石雕刻藝術 分佈:墨西哥 Distribution: mexico 知多一點點:it is usually conchoidal More to learn: 主要是貝殼狀
RM027 Mylonite
Class: 5E Name: Lam ping wing Year: 2017 – 2018 地質年代:(化石) (岩石) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物) Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral) 形成:(岩石) (礦物) 原生物:(化石) 糜稜岩是因為身處地底, 亦因為接近斷層而被斷層強大的壓力擠壓而成. 這導致其他岩石例如花崗岩和砂岩在強大的壓力和高溫 下粉碎和融合一個, 形成糜稜岩. 人們亦相信晶體塑性變形是製做糜稜岩的一大因素 Formation:(Rock) (Mineral) Living Specimens: (Fossil) Mylonites are deformed rocks formed by the great pressure and high pressure in fault lines. This make the original rock such as granite and sandstone to breakdown and combine them by the great force. People generally agreed that crystal-plastic deformation must have occurred to form mylonites 特性:…