Category Archives: Evolution of Plants

Plants diversity

The plants are classified into four main groups. The plants without vascular tissues, i.e. no roots, stems and leaves, are mosses, hornworts and liverworts. The plants that have vascular tissues but seedless are ferns. For the vascular plants having seeds, the non-flowering plants are conifers, while the flowering plants are angiosperms. Some plants have developed special features for adapting extreme environments. Xerophytes survive in dryness, as they have widespread roots, barrel-sharped stems and needle-shaped leaves. Hydrophytes possess broad leaves for floating to maximize sunlight absorption…

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Evolution of plants-path of study in CFSS

To provide a nurturing environment and enrich the learning atmosphere for students to experience the contribution of science and technology to sustainable development, new facilities and teaching aids have been added in recent years, e.g. Jurassic Garden, Fern Belt, Orchard and Cycad Zone. THe Tree fern belt Sustainability is manifested by the biodiversity of 1000+ species of shrubs, trees, ferns, gymnosperms, medicinal and scented plants in Fern Garden, Medicinal Herb Garden, Greenhouses as well as the Environmental Trail, enabling students to learn at ease. The…

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Evolution of Plants

The evolution of plants had already started 475 million years ago. The ancestor was actually a freshwater green alga called charophyte, which at first evolved to non-vascular plants (liverworts, hornworts and mosses) and then seedless vascular plants (ferns). It was not until 360 million years ago that seed plants, including non-flowering plants (gymnosperms) and flowering plants (angiosperms), emerged on Earth. References: 1. 2.

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