CREATIVE DRAWING 2017-2018 Students’ works – S.1B(3) Chan Kwan Kiu
S.1B(3) Chan Kwan Kiu 海洋廣場 在未來,也許我們因為全球暖化的氣候而不能在陸地上生活了。冰層融化,水位上升,那麼我們為什麼不考慮住在海中呢? 你可以看到有一棟看起來像一個貝殼的購物中心。人們可以購買食品,衣服,日常用品等東西。它會提供氧氣,因此人們不需擔心無法在水中呼吸。在下方,有些看起來像貝殼形狀的東西,它們實際上是人們居住的地方!當你在家時,你可以看出窗外,看看海洋的壯麗景色。你可以看見熱帶魚,珊瑚,海龜,水母等海洋生物。 Water Plaza In future,we can’t live on land anymore because of the rise of sea level.Why don’t we think about living in the ocean?You can see there is a shell-shaped building which is the Water Plaza.We can buy food,clothes,daily supplies in it.Oxygen is provided in it.Below the shopping center,there are small buildings which are the houses for people!You can look outside the window and look at the magnificent view like fishes,corals,sea turtles,jellyfishes of the ocean from your home.