CREATIVE DRAWING 2017-2018 Students’ works – S.2A(18) Lam Wai Ming Bella

S.2A(18) Lam Wai Ming Bella




Micro-plastic absorbing “fish”

The plastic waste that humans produce often end up in the sea. But these waste materials cannot be fully decomposed and over time they will become micro-plastic. If sea animals consume these micro-plastics they may get sick and die. So, I have designed the “Micro-plastic absorbing ‘fish’” to collect and recycle the plastic in the ocean.

This robotic fish has the ability to separate plastic from water. The contaminated water flows through a box containing plastic spheres. The larger plastic molecules will be trapped in the small holes on the surface of the spheres. While the smaller plastics will be eaten by different kinds of microbes.

After the filtration process, the clean water will be pumped back into the ocean.