Evolution of plants-path of study in CFSS

To provide a nurturing environment and enrich the learning atmosphere for students to experience the contribution of science and technology to sustainable development, new facilities and teaching aids have been added in recent years, e.g. Jurassic Garden, Fern Belt, Orchard and Cycad Zone.

THe Tree fern belt

Sustainability is manifested by the biodiversity of 1000+ species of shrubs, trees, ferns, gymnosperms, medicinal and scented plants in Fern Garden, Medicinal Herb Garden, Greenhouses as well as the Environmental Trail, enabling students to learn at ease.

The Environmental Trail is the nurturing ground for mobile learning where students explore the magic in the habitat in a self-initiative approach. Mobile learning is an innovative mode of teaching and learning which engages high-tech equipment and tailored pedagogies for students to learn not only in the classrooms and campus, but also outdoors through various comprehensive activities (e.g. workshops and experiments). Our school has made use of the CFSS Environmental Trail, Greenhouse, iPads and WiFi system to teach junior students about plant biodiversity and basic species identification skills in the science lessons. It is a learning place blending interdisciplinary study with poetry writing, art, photography and video-making.

The Trail can be categorized into different thematic zones such that students can fit their learning process on their respective disciplines. The diagram below shows the map of the Trail on our campus.