FL001 Rastellum Fossil

名稱 耙牡蠣化石 Name Rastellum Fossil
地質年代   /Geological Age   /
這是來自馬達加斯加Tulear省的Rastellum carinatum物種的侏羅紀老化石牡蠣。 它有寬而有角度的肋骨,導致它被稱為’義齒蛤’。 兩個彈殼之間的Z字形連接阻止了粗糙的灰塵和碎屑進入殼體並損壞其柔軟的身體。 像現代牡蠣一樣,它生活在包括潮間帶(高潮和低潮之間的區域)在內的淺海沿岸水域中,並用從海水中過濾出的食物顆粒飼餵。
This is a Jurassic aged fossil oyster of the species Rastellum carinatum from Tulear Province, Madagascar. It has wide, angled ribs that have led to it being called the ‘denture clam’. The zig-zag join between the two shells stopped coarse dirt and debris entering the shell and damaging its soft body. Like modern oysters it lived in shallow coastal waters including the intertidal zone (the area between high and low tide) and fed on food particles that it filtered out of the sea water.
地點 馬達加斯加 Location Madagascar
參考 Reference
由3A (1) 陳秋樺 於4/6/2018編寫
由3E (22) 樂可暘 於4/6/2018編寫
由3A (26) 曾思穎 於3/6/2019編寫
3A (17) 劉耀峰 於6/4/2019最後編改
Editor Created by
3A (1) Chan Chau Wah 4/6/2018
3E (22) Ngok Ho Yeung 4/6/2018
3A (26) Tsang Cherrie 3/6/2019
Last modified by 3A (17) Lau Yiu Fung as on 4/6/2019