ML006 Barite

名稱 重晶石  Name Barite
化學公式 BaSO4  Chemical Formula BaSO4
描述 重晶石主要成份為硫酸鋇,顏色從白色至透明,同時也是的主要來源之一。而在重晶石礦物群主要由重金石、天青石硫酸鉛礦以及重晶石和天青石的固溶體組成。  Description Baryte, barite or barytes is a mineral consisting of barium sulphate (BaSO4). Baryte is generally white or colourless, and is the main source of the element barium. The baryte group consists of baryte, celestine (strontium sulphate), anglesite (lead sulphate), and anhydrite (calcium sulphate). Baryte and celestine form a solid solution (Ba,Sr)SO4.
小挑戰 它如何形成? 重晶石常發生於於大規模的堆積環境之中或者是透過生物作用、熱液作用、蒸發作用等方式的堆積形成而成 。另外重晶石也常見於石灰岩、鉛鋅礦脈、溫泉堆積中或與赤鐵礦的礦石共生。而重晶石也曾在隕石中被發現。  Challenge   How is it formed? Barite often occurs in a large-scale accumulation environment or is formed through accumulation of biological action, hydrothermal action, and evaporation. In addition, barite is also commonly found in limestone, lead-zinc veins, hot spring deposits or in symbiosis with hematite ore. The barite has also been found in meteorites


By Ching Jia Wei, Veronica on 19/04/2021