ML021 Molybdenite

輝鉬礦Name Molybdenite
化學公式 MoS2Chemical Formula MoS2
莫氏硬度 5.5Mohs scale of Hardness 5.5
鉬是必不可少的微量元素。它存在於諸如牛奶,奶酪,穀物,豆類,堅果,葉類蔬菜和器官肉等食物中。 鉬最常用於鉬缺乏症。它也可用於食道癌,其他類型的癌症,威爾遜氏病和其他疾病,但尚無良好的科學證據支持這些用途。Description Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral. It is found in foods such as milk, cheese, cereal grains, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, and organ meats.

Molybdenum is most commonly used for molybdenum deficiency. It is also used for cancer of the esophagus, other types of cancer, Wilson disease, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
數組的前導是一個出現在數組元素一半以上的值,而數組的段是數組的連續元素序列。 您可以通過恰好選擇一個長度為K的線段並將該線段中的每個元素加1來修改A。
Challenge The leader of the array is a value that occurs in more than half of the elements of the array, and the segment of the array is a sequence of consecutive elements of the array. You can modify A by choosing exactly one segment of length K and increasing by 1 every element within that segment. The goal is to find all of the numbers that may become a leader after performing exactly one array modification as described above


by 4A19 Lau Shek Fun on 17 April 2021