ML279 Red Calcite

名稱: 紅色方解石Name Red Calcite
化學公式 CaCO3Chemical Formula CaCO3
page1image2524559440 莫氏硬度 3.0Mohs scale of Hardness 3.0
描述 紅色方解石是地球上最常見的礦物之一。它是大理石和石灰石的基礎,在不同的地質環境中具有多種形式。Description Red Calcite is one of the most common minerals on earth. It makes the basis of marble and limestone and takes various forms in different geological environments.
小挑戰 紅色方解石是一種功能強大的放大鏡和各種能量的清潔劑。它散發出煥活,淨化和舒緩的能量。紅色方解石將幫助打開並激活您的基礎脈輪,從而帶來活力並促進增加能量。Challenge What are the uses of this mineral? Red Calcite is a powerful magnifier and cleanser of different kinds of energies. It emanates a revitalizing, purifying, and soothing energy. Red Calcite will help open and activate your base chakra, which will bring vitality and promote increased energy.


by Lai Cheuk Hei on 19 Apr 2021