ML290 Mohs scale of mineral hardness testing kit

Code: ML290

名稱  摩氏硬度計及 十種礦物測試硬度工具Name Mohs scale of mineral hardness testing  kit
化學公式 NAChemical Formula NA
莫氏硬度  NAMohs scale of Hardness NA
描述  莫氏硬度測試套件是一個工具套件, 可讓您獲得與所測試的礦物或岩石的 硬度有關的定性相對論。莫氏硬度測 試套件包括 8 個點-莫氏硬度等級分別 為 2、3、4、5、6、7、8 和 9。2 是 塑性點,3 是銅點,其他是經過精心 選擇的合金 以匹配莫氏指數礦物的硬 度。Description A Mohs Hardness Test Kit is a tool  set of picks allowing you to obtain a  qualitative relativity for the hardness  of the minerals or rocks you are  testing. The Mohs Hardness Test Kit  includes eight points – for Mohs  hardness scale of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8  and 9. The 2 is a plastic point, the 3  is a copper point, the others are  alloys carefully selected to match the  hardness of the Mohs index  minerals.
Fun Fact   指甲的硬度為 2.5Fun Fact The fingernail has a scale hardness of  2.5


by So Yuen Ying Vivian on 17 Mar 2021