ML293 Blue Gibbsite

Code: ML293

藍色三水鋁Name Blue Gibbsite
化學公式 Al(OH)3Chemical Formula Al(OH)3
莫氏硬度 2.5-3Mohs scale of Hardness 2.5-3
描述 這是最近一次發現,在圖森的一個房間裡有一些這種稀有材料的地板,這些材料起初(而且經常是)被誤認為是,而是這種稀有的氫氧化鋁物種菱鐵礦。實際上半晶石,您僅憑輕巧就可以看出來。但是沒有人懷疑任何這樣的礦物,所以它們一開始就以半變石的形式出售。現在,它們幾乎是不可能獲得的。Description This was a one-time recent find, where one room at Tucson had some flats of this rare material that was at first (and still often is) mistaken for Hemimorphite, but is instead this rare aluminum hydroxide species Gibbsite. You can tell actually just by the heft which is exceedingly lightweight. But nobody suspected any such mineral and so there they were, sold as Hemimorphite in the beginning. Now, they are almost impossible to get.
小挑戰 藍色三水鋁的用途是什麼?   鋁土礦在阿肯色州,牙買加,蘇里南,圭亞那,巴西,西非和印度的鋁土礦中尤為突出。合成三水鋁石由鋁土礦或高鋁材料製成,用於生產鋁金屬和氧化鋁化學品。有關詳細的物理性質,請參見氧化物礦物。Challenge What is the use of Blue Gibbsite? Gibbsite is prominent in bauxites from Arkansas, Jamaica, Suriname, Guyana, Brazil, West Africa, and India. Synthetic gibbsite is made from bauxite or high-alumina materials for use in the production of aluminum metal and alumina chemicals. For detailed physical properties, see oxide mineral.


by Wong Ching Huen, Toby on 17 Mar 2021