ML305 Orange Calcite


名稱 橙色方解石Name Orange Calcite
化學公式 CaCO3Chemical Formula CaCO3
莫氏硬度 3Mohs Scale of Hardness 3
描述 它是無色,白色,黃色,紅色橙色,藍色,綠色,棕色,灰色。它的條紋是白色的。其卵裂表面為玻璃狀至珠光狀。  Description It is colorless, white, yellow, red orange, blue, green, brown, gray. Its streak is white. Its luster is vitreous to pearly on cleavage surface.  
小挑戰 橙色方解石有什麼用?它用作雕刻對象和應用。  Challenge What is the use of orange calcite? It is used as carved objects and application.


By 4B Hung Man Ting Florence on 15 April 2021