Code: ML310
名稱 Calcite | Name 方解石 |
化學公式 CaCO3 | Chemical Formula CaCO3 |
莫氏硬度 3 | Mohs scale of Hardness 3 |
描述 它是無色或白色。條紋是白色的,在乳溝表面上的光澤為玻璃態至珍珠色。 | Description It is colorless or white. The streak is white and the luster is vitreous to pearly on cleavage surfaces. |
小挑戰 方解石是否脆性?方解石易碎 | Challenge Is Calcite brittle or not? Calcite is brittle |
By 4B Lo King Wai 20 on 28 Mar 2021