CM156 Ginkgo biloba 銀杏(白果)
Chinese name: 銀杏(白果) Family Name (科名): 銀杏科 Ginkgoaceae Scientific name (學名): Ginkgo biloba Common name (俗名): 白果樹,公孫樹,鴨掌樹,鴨腳子 習性 落葉喬木。 Growth habit Deciduous tree. 葉 葉子是闊葉型和扇形。 Leaf Leaves are broad-based and fan-shaped. 花 球花均生於短枝葉腋,維球花有短梗。5-7月開花。 Flower Flowers are growing in short axillary branches. Flowering between May and July. 果 種子核果狀,橢圓形、倒卵形或圓球形,成熟時橙黃。 Fruit Seeds are drupe-like, oblong, obovate or round ball in shape. Matures when orange in colour. 知多一點點 (如使用方法,其他用途) 木材優良,供雕刻及其他工藝品之用。種子煮熟可以吃,但是吃多容易中毒。 More to learn Excellent wood for carving and other crafts…