RI010 Garnet Peridotite

Class: 5E
Name: Chum Ngai Hang
Year: 2014 – 2015
地質年代: (岩石) (不詳)

化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物)


Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock) (Unknown)

Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral)

Olivine, pyroxene and garnet

形成:(岩石) (礦物)



Formation:(Rock) (Mineral)

Living Specimens: (Unknown)

Garnet peridotite is mainly formed by intrusive vulcanicity. Magma in the mantle rises through the cracks in the crust. The cooling rate is slow. It cools and solidifies into different minerals. The aggregation of olivine, pyroxene and garnet forms garnet pegmatite.


橄欖岩含有密集的晶體,具有粗粒結構。橄欖石含大量鎂質。橄欖岩位於地幔的上部,一般顏色為深綠色,橄欖石成分達到40%-50%以上,亦為橄欖岩主要的成份。二氧化矽含量低,令橄欖岩顏色較深。石榴石就是其一在橄欖岩上能被發現的晶體。相比於典型的火成岩,橄欖岩的礦物形成是相當不均勻,可能顯示不同的礦物組合區。石榴橄欖岩是侵入火成岩,包括石榴石 (紅色) 、橄欖石 (深綠色) 和輝石 (墨綠色),顯現互鎖岩理。由於岩漿侵入地底深層時,冷卻緩慢,故岩中礦物顆粒通常較大。石榴石橄欖岩堅硬度及密度亦被視為頗高。


A peridotite is a dense, coarse-grained igneous rock. Olivine makes peridotite rich in magnesium. Peridotite is a rock of the upper part of the Earth’s mantle. Peridotite is in dark green colour. About 40%-50% of the minerals are olivine, and that is also the main mineral found in peridotites. Silica content is low which results in a dark colour of the peridotites. Garnet is one of the crystals that can be found in peridotites. Garnets are in red colour, though it has a wide color range. To compare with typical igneous rocks, peridotites are rather inhomogeneous and may show zones with different mineral assemblages. Garnet peridotite is an intrusive igneous rock composed mainly of garnet (red), olivine (dark green) and pyroxene (deep green). Minerals of garnet pegmatite are shown to be interlocking and coarse-grained, for its slow cooling rate deep underground. Garnet pegmatite has a high hardness and density.

用途:(岩石) (礦物)

純淨的石榴石由古至今都被視為寶石, 通常為綠色,紅色,黃色和橙色。石榴石會在玻璃工業中使用,而有的則用作寶石收藏。一些橄欖岩開採後會作觀賞用途。橄欖岩也可用作研究早期岩漿活動。橄欖岩被指具有經濟價值,可作為一種低成本,安全及永久的方法來存儲大氣中的二氧化碳。

Application: (Rock) (Mineral)

Pure crystals of garnet are still used as gemstones. The gemstones occur in green, red, yellow, and orange. Garnets are used in the glass industries, some of them are for collections as gemstones. Some peridotite is mined for ornamental stone. Peridotites are also used as a provision of clues to the composition of the Earth’s early mantle. Peridotites are found to have economic value as a low-cost, safe and permanent method to store atmospheric CO2.

分佈:(岩石) (礦物)


Distribution: (Rock) (Mineral)

Garnets are scattered around the world, for example, they can be found in the United States, Russia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, and Turkey. For peridotites, they can be found in certain volcanic rocks, which are so rich in olivine and pyroxene that they also can be termed peridotite. Garnet peridotites can be found in Norway. It has also been found recently in China and Chile.