RI030 Gabbro(Troctolite)

Class: 5E
Name: Yip Eugene
Year: 2014 – 2015
地質年代:(化石) (岩石)

化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物)

橄欖石, 斜長石, 輝石


Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock)

Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral)

Olivine, Plagioclase, Pyroxene

形成:(岩石) (礦物)



Formation:(Rock) (Mineral)

Living Specimens: (Fossil)

Gabbro (Troctolite) is mainly formed by intrusive vulcanicity. Magma in the mantle rises through the cracks in the crust. It then cools and solidifies into different minerals. The aggregation of olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene forms Gabbro (Troctolite).




Speckled look.

用途:(岩石) (礦物)


Application: (Rock) (Mineral)

Troctolite is widely used as building materials.

分佈:(岩石) (礦物)

輝長岩(橄長岩)能在一些層狀入侵被找到,如在澳大利亞西部中的Archean Windimurra,在Labrador北部的Voisey灣中有鎳-銅-鈷岩漿硫化物礦 。輝長岩(橄長岩)也在Merensky礁中的Bushveld Igneous雜岩體和在南非康韋爾中的Lizard雜岩體被發現。

Distribution: (Rock) (Mineral)

Troctolite is found in some layered intrusions such as in the Archean Windimurra of Western Australia, the Voisey’s Bay nickel-copper-cobalt magmatic sulfide deposit of northern Labrador. Troctolite is also found in the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa in the Lizard complex in Cornwell.
