RS037 Cannonball Limestone

Class: 5E 18
Name: Kristal Mak
Year: 2017 – 2018
地質年代:(化石) (岩石)

化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物)




Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock)

Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral)



形成:(岩石) (礦物)


非碎屑沉積岩是由化學過程通過蒸發或沉澱形成的。 或者是有機地通過積聚死去的植物和動物而形成的。








Formation:(Rock) (Mineral)

Clastic sedimentary rock is formed from particles of other rocks.

Non-clastic sedimentary rock is formed from chemical process through evaporation or precipitation. Or organically- formed is through the accumulation of dead pants and animals.

Living Specimens: (Fossil)









它是分層岩(有層次)。它由碎屑(岩粒)組成,從侵蝕現有的岩石或活體有機體的殘留物中而成。 它不含有互鎖晶體,但可能含有化石。














It is stratified rock (has layers). It is composed of fragments (clasts) eroded from pre-existing rock/ remains of living organism. It does not contain interlocking crystals but it may contain fossils.









用途:(岩石) (礦物)









Application: (Rock) (Mineral)

Can be used as building materials, concrete aggregates, paving stones, cements, metallurgical fluxes, soil conditioners, water treatment, light industry, chemical industry, textiles, food, etc. In areas where limestone develops, stone forests, caves and other scenic spots are often formed, it can attract tourist to go sightseeing.











 分佈:(岩石) (礦物)

砲彈岩暴露在從Trow Point到錫厄姆,並在內陸的採石場,最為壯觀的在









Distribution: (Rock) (Mineral)

Cannonball Rocks are exposed in the cliffs from Trow Point to north of Seaham, and in quarries inland, most spectacularly at Fulwell.












More to learn:

About 10% of sedimentary rock are limestone

Cannonball Rocks which contain ‘the most remarkable patterns in sedimentary rocks all around the world’