蝴蝶蜜源植物 Nectar Plant for Butterflies
市區公園裏很多開花植物都為蝴蝶提供花蜜,但是原來約一半的香港蝴蝶(尤其是蛺蝶和眼蝶),甚少或從不訪花吸蜜。 Many flowering plants in urban parks provide nectars for butterflies. However, about half of Hong Kong’s butterfly species, especially Nymphs and Browns, seldom or never visit flowers for nectar. 吊燈花 Coral Hibiscus(Hibiscus schizopetalus)五至十月開花,吸引大型鳳蝶和粉蝶到訪 Flowering from May to October, attracts large Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows 龍船花 Chinese Ixora(Ixora chinensis)六至十月開花,吸引各種鳳蝶和粉蝶 Flowering from June to October, attracts Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows 五星花 Pentas(Pentas lanceolata)三至十一月開花,吸引各種鳳蝶和粉蝶 Flowering from March to November, attracts Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows 蟛蜞菊 Wedelia(Wedelia trilobata)幾乎全年開花,吸引弄蝶、灰蝶和小型粉蝶 Flowering almost throughout the year, attracts Skippers, Blues, small Whites…