Tag Archives: Mineral
ML319 Agate
Code: ML319 名稱 瑪瑙Name Agate化學公式 SiO2Chemical Formula SiO2莫氏硬度 7Mohs scale of Hardness 7描述 瑪瑙有多種顏色,包括白色,藍色,紅色,綠色,黃色,橙色,棕色,粉紅色,紫色,灰色和黑色。瑪瑙的一些罕見形式是呈虹彩的。瑪瑙的條紋是白色的。 它的光澤是玻璃的。瑪瑙很脆。 溶於氫氟酸。Description There are many colours of agate, including white, blue, red, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, gray, and black. Some rarer forms of Agate are iridescent. The streak of agate is white. Its luster is vitreous. Agate is brittle. It is dissolves in hydrofluoric acid.小挑戰 瑪瑙的斷裂形狀是什麼? 這是貝殼狀的。Challenge What is the fracture shape of Agate? It is conchoidal. Reference 1. https://www.minerals.net/mineral/agate.aspx By 4C Lam…
ML318 Chalcedony
Code: ML318 名稱 玉髓Name Chalcedony化學公式 SiO2Chemical Formula SiO2莫氏硬度 7Mohs scale of Hardness 7描述 玉髓為無色,白色,灰色,藍色,由於嵌入的礦物質而具有任何顏色,彩色標本並不罕見。Description Chalcedony is colorless, white, gray, blue, any color due to embedded minerals, multicolored specimen not uncommon. 小挑戰 我們在哪裡可以找到這石頭? 我們可以在伊斯坦布爾和土耳其找到Challenge Where can we find this stone? The stone can be found in Istanbul and Turkey. Reference https://www.mindat.org/min-960.html
ML317 Moss Opalite
ML316 Prase
Code: ML316 名稱 綠蛋白石Name Chrysoprase化學公式 SiO2Chemical Formula SiO2莫氏硬度 6.0–7.0Mohs scale of Hardness 6.0–7.0描述 是玉髓(一種隱晶形式的二氧化矽)的寶石品種,其中含有少量的鎳。它的顏色通常為蘋果綠,但會變為深綠色。綠水晶蛋白酶的較暗的品種也稱為綠蛋白酶。 (但是,術語prase也用於描述包含亞氯酸鹽的石英,在一定程度上是顏色的描述,而不是嚴格定義的礦物品種。)Description is a gemstone variety of chalcedony (a cryptocrystalline form of silica) that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green, but varies to deep green. The darker varieties of chrysoprase are also referred to as prase. (However, the term prase is also used to describe chlorite-included quartz, and to a certain extent is a color-descriptor, rather than a rigorously defined mineral variety.)小挑戰…
ML315 Scholzite
名稱 Name磷鈣鋅石Scholzite化學公式 Chemical FormulaCaZn2(PO4)2•2H2OCaZn2(PO4)2•2H2O 莫氏硬度 Mohs scale of Hardness 描述Description Scholzite 是一種罕見的磷酸鋅礦物,來自德國巴伐利亞州哈根多夫的經典磷酸鹽礦物產地。 Hagendorf 地區包含一個富含磷酸鹽的偉晶岩侵入體,該侵入體經歷了一定程度的改變。稀有礦物如鋰長石是來自這個著名礦場的慷慨饋贈。 Scholzite 形成漂亮的亮白色板狀晶體,並與其他稀有磷酸鹽有關。當與其他稀有礦物結合時,標本會特別好。 Scholzite is a rare zinc phosphate mineral and comes from the classic phosphate mineral locality at Hagendorf, Bavaria, Germany. The Hagendorf locality contains a phosphate rich pegmatitic intrusive body that has undergone a certain amount of alteration. Rare minerals such as scholzite are a generous gift from this famous mineral site. Scholzite forms nice bright white tabular crystals and is associated with other rare phosphates. Specimens can be especially nice…
ML314 Garnet Amphibolite
ML313 Fluorescent Calcite
名稱 Name熒光方解石Fluorescent Calcite化學公式 Chemical FormulaCaCO3CaCO3莫氏硬度 Mohs scale of Hardness 3 3描述Description 某些礦物質能夠吸收波長為 200 納米至 400 納米的不可見紫外線,並發出波長為 400 至 700 納米的可見光,並在黑暗中“發光”,並發出熒光。 Certain minerals are capable of absorbing invisible ultraviolet light with a wavelength from 200nm to 400nm and give off visible light with a wavelength from 400 to 700nm and “glow” in the dark, they fluoresce.小挑戰Challenge 什麼讓礦物發光? 大多數熒光礦物質需要引發熒光的活化劑。活化劑是在不同的地方已經包含在原始晶體結構中的少量某種化學元素或雜質。然而,一些元素如鐵和銅的雜質會阻止礦物中的熒光。 What makes a mineral glow?Most fluorescent minerals require an activator that initiates fluorescence. The activator is a small amount of a certain chemical element or impurity having been included…
ML312 Fluorescent Hardystonite/ Clinohedrite/ Willemite minerals
Code: ML312 名稱 熒光黃長石Name Fluorescent Hardystonite化學公式 Ca2ZnSi2O7Chemical Formula Ca2ZnSi2O7莫氏硬度 3-4Mohs scale of Hardness 3-4描述 顏色:從深紫色到明亮的紫藍色,在白天, 顏色從白色到灰色到淺粉紅色,有時具有玻 璃光澤或油膩光澤。 光澤:玻璃質,樹脂質,油膩,暗淡Description Colour: from dark purple to bright violet blueIn daylight, it is white to gray to light pink in color, sometimes with a vitreous or greasy luster. Luster: vitreous, resinous, greasy, dull Reference 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardystonite 2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/FLUORESCENT-Hardystonite-Clinohedrite and-Willemite-FR770-/274682848345 By 4B Thomas Mak 22 on 19-4-2021
ML311 Fluorescent Opal Fluorite minerals crystals (Tiffany Stone)
Code: ML311 名稱 熒光蛋白石螢石礦物晶體Name Fluorescent Opal Fluorite minerals crystals (Tiffany Stone)化學公式 CaF2Chemical Formula CaF2莫氏硬度 4Mohs scale of Hardness 4描述 顏色-通過各種顏色變為黑色無色 光澤-玻璃蠟狀,沉重時變鈍 條紋-白色Description Color – Purple, blue purple Luster –Sub-Vitreous, Resinous, Waxy, Greasy Streak – White Tenacity – Brittle小挑戰 在哪裡可以買到?它最有可能在寶石和礦物展覽會上出售。Challenge Where can you buy it? It is most likely to be sold at a gem and mineral show. Reference 1. https://www.mindat.org/min-46089.html By 4B21 Ma Ka Yu (21) on 19/4