STREAM programme – It’s all from nature
Module 1 – Hong Kong Native Plants Interdisciplinary learning ~ Artistic Sculpture~ Biological Drawings~ Student-centred Learning on HK Native Plants
Module 1 – Hong Kong Native Plants Interdisciplinary learning ~ Artistic Sculpture~ Biological Drawings~ Student-centred Learning on HK Native Plants
Hong Kong, though small in size, is diverse in its flora. About 2,000 species of vascular plants native to Hong Kong has been recorded. More significantly, a large number of species new to science have first been discovered in Hong Kong. This is attributed to the continued efforts of plant enthusiasts in botanical exploration and their perseverance in conserving the local flora. Hong Kong Native Plants in Zero-Carbon Building (ZCB) Flora Conservation The AFCD implements flora conservation work mainly through the following measures:1. Species Protection:…
In CFSS, many herbs and shrubs cultivated in Environmental Trail and on the rooftop belong to Hong Kong native species. The humid and subtropical climate of Hong Kong provides peculiar environment for these native plants to inhabit well on campus.