Plant Aliens 3A Group 8
Secondary 3 Science (Biology) Mini-project on Chinese Medicinal Herbs Information sheet Class 3A Class No. and Name Yeung Hoi Ching (31), Yeung Yan Ki (32), Yim Yu Tin (33), Yip Cheuk hin (34) Year: 2018-2019 Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided. Chinese name: 北美金縷梅 Family Name (科名): Hamamelidaceae Scientific name (學名): Hamamelis virginiana Common name (俗名): Witch Hazel 習性:落葉大灌木,莖幹由植株基部長出,枝條密生,植株高度可以生長至六米高,極少數個體有時可以長至十米左右 Growth habit: It is a small, deciduous tree growing up to 6 m (rarely to 10 m) tall, often with a dense…