Japan Education Tour 2015
In order to broaden students’ global horizon, our School Supervisor Dr. Annie Wu sponsored 12 students, 2 alumni and 4 teachers to participate in an education tour to Fukuoka in late July. They aimed to study the sustainable development and culture of Japan. In the tour, students learnt waste treatment, efficient production of energy and the preservation of culture in Fukuoka. Here enclosed the report of their learning outcome. Japan Ed Tour Report (Eng) 為了提昇學生的世界觀,伍淑清校監資助12名學生、2名舊生及4名老師於七月下旬前往日本福岡縣考察當地的可持續發持和文化。在團中,學生認識了日本是如何處理廢物、有效運用資源及保育文化。 以下是他們的學習報告。 Japan Ed Tour Report (Chi) http://www.cfss.edu.hk/event20150719.html