
Class and Class No. 3E (4)
Name Chan Howard
Year: 2017-2018


Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name: 射干
Family Name (科名): 鳶尾科
Scientific name (學名): Belamcanda chinensis
Common name (俗名): 烏扇、烏蒲、黃遠、烏萐、夜幹、烏翣、烏吹、草薑、鬼扇、鳳翼



習性:射干,多年生草本。常生於山坡、草原、田野曠地、雜木林緣。 Growth habit:  Shegan, perennial herb. Often born in the hillsides, grasslands, open fields, wood edge of miscellaneous wood.
葉:互生,嵌迭状排列,剑形,长20~60厘米,宽2~4厘米,基部鞘状抱茎,顶端渐尖,无中脉。 Leaf:   Alternate, interlocked arrangement, sword-shaped, 20 to 60 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide, base of the sheath-shaped sheath, the top acuminate, no midrib.
花:花梗细,长约1.5厘米 Flower: Pedicel thin, about 1.5 cm
果:N/A Fruit: N/A
性味功能 :苦,寒。歸肺經 Properties: Bitter, cold. To the lungs
主治: 用於咽喉腫痛、痰盛咳喘。 Treats: For sore throat.
知多一點點:孕婦忌用或慎用。 More to learn: Pregnant women avoid or caution



Previous Scientific Research (if any):




Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
1 http://yibian.hopto.org/yao/?yno=171
2 https://baike.baidu.com/item/射干/769720





(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1. …..?

Answer: ……..

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2. …..?

Answer: ……..

(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3. ……..

Answer: ……..