

Class and Class No. 3E (7)
Name Chan Tung Yin, Stephanie
Year: 2017-2018



Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name: 荊芥
Family Name (科名): 唇形科 Lamiaceae
Scientific name (學名): Schizonepeta tenuifolia
Common name (俗名): 貓薄荷, 貓草, catmint, catnip



習性: 多年生草本 Growth habit: Perennial herbs
葉:葉子對生,莖基部的葉子羽狀深五裂,中部的葉子三烈,裂片為披針形,上部為線性葉子 Leaf: Leaves are threadlike.

Flower: The inflorescence is a head with 5 square-tipped, petal-like ray flowers and sepal-like phyllaries.

果:長圓狀三棱形小堅果,有小點。 Fruit: seeds attached to parachute-like pappi
性味功能: 辛,微溫。歸肺、肝經 Properties: Spicy, warm. Stringent. Entering Liver, Lung
主治: 發表散風,透疹消瘡,炒炭止血 Treats: Dispels wind, clears heat, removes toxins, suppresses suppuration and stops bleeding
知多一點點:用法用量是煎服,310g,不宜久煎。發表透疹消瘡宜生用;止血宜炒用 More to learn: The way to use it is decoction, the quantity is about 3 to 10 gram but it is not suggested to be decocted to long. It is suggested to use raw catmint for acne and fried for healing bleeding.



Previous Scientific Research (if any):

   1.     裂葉荊芥 Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.. 中國植物物種名錄(CPNI). 中國植物物種信息數據庫.

2.     侯敏; 馬秀敏,丁劍冰. 唇形科植物抗炎、抗過敏和抗氧化活性研究進展.

3.     李軍暉; 曾南 沈映君. 荊芥的藥理作用. 四川生理科學雜誌.



Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
General information of catmint https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanomeria_tenuifolia
Chinese medicinal values of catmint http://yibian.hopto.org/yao/?yno=49
Information about Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang http://www.americandragon.com/Herb%20Formulas%20copy/JingJieLianQiaoTang.html





(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1.What is the growth habit of catmint?

Answer: ……..

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2.How to use catmint and what are the usage under different cuisine ?

Answer: ……..

(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3. ……..

Answer: ……..