Class and Class No. 3E ( 18 ) Name Lee Ka Wing Year: 2017-2018 Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided. Chinese name: 白芍 Family Name (科名): 毛茛科 Scientific name (學名): Paeonia lactiflora Common name (俗名): 白芍藥、金芍藥 習性: 生於山坡草地和林下 Growth habit: Born in the hillside grass and forest 葉: 二回三出複葉,上部葉為三出複葉;小葉狹卵形、橢圓形或披針形 Leaf: Compound leaves, leaflets narrowly ovate, oval or lanceolate 花:花兩性,數朵生莖頂和葉腋,花瓣白色,有時基部具深紫色斑塊或粉紅色 Flower: Petals white, sometimes basally dark purple or pink 果: 蓇葖果卵形或卵圓形 Fruit: Oval shape 性味功能 味苦、酸,性微寒 Properties Bitter,…