Tag Archives: Butterfly Friendly Garden

Why butterflies are important to us?

Butterflies Butterflies are a diverse group of insects containing at least 17,500 different species. Among them, 1300 species can be found in China and 235 species in Hong Kong. In urban parks of Hong Kong, a total of 48 species of butterflies can be found. They are Skippers, Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows, Blues, Nymphs and Browns. Butterflies are aesthetically pleasing and few species cause any damage to commercial plants. Butterflies contribute to thriving ecosystems and can indicate the state of an ecosystem’s health. Why butterflies…

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Bring Butterflies Back

With a rich flora and fauna, the current butterfly checklist in Hong Kong contains 245 species including one endemic subspecies, representing about 11% of species recorded throughout China. Besides being aesthetically pleasing, butterflies also play important roles in ecology, science and economy. However, butterfly populations are rapidly declining due to habitat loss, climate change and illegal collection. Through joining the ‘Ocean Park Conservation Chill Club’, the Green Guru Team of our school has set up a ‘Butterfly Friendly Garden” at the Environmental Trial, hope to…

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