Plant Aliens 3C Group 2
Secondary 3 Science (Biology)Mini-project on Chinese Medicinal Herbs Information sheet Class : 3C Class No. and Name: (5) Chau Yun Fung, (6) Chiu Tsz Hong, (7) Chu Man Ching, (8) Ho Wing Year: 2018-2019 Instruction: Chinese name: 紅花荷 Family Name (科名): Hamamelidaceae Scientific name (學名): Rhodoleia championii Hook. f. Common name (俗名): Rhodoleia 習性:本地常綠喬木 中性偏陰樹種,幼樹耐蔭,成年後較喜光,要求年均溫度19℃-22℃,耐絕對低溫-4.5℃,適於花崗岩、砂葉岩發育。 Growth habit: Hong Kong Local evergreen trees Prefer light in adulthood,(average annual temperature of 19 ° C to 22 ° C). A tree of primary and slightly disturbed forest, occurring…