Plant Aliens 3A Group 8

Secondary 3 Science (Biology)

Mini-project on Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Information sheet

Class 3A
Class No. and Name Yeung Hoi Ching (31), Yeung Yan Ki (32), Yim Yu Tin (33), Yip Cheuk hin (34)
Year: 2018-2019

Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.

Chinese name: 北美金縷梅
Family Name (科名): Hamamelidaceae
Scientific name (學名): Hamamelis virginiana
Common name (俗名): Witch Hazel
習性:落葉大灌木,莖幹由植株基部長出,枝條密生,植株高度可以生長至六米高,極少數個體有時可以長至十米左右   Growth habit: It is a small, deciduous tree growing up to 6 m (rarely to 10 m) tall, often with a dense cluster of stems from its base  
葉:葉芽銳尖,先端稍微彎曲呈鐮刀形,表面生有細軟毛,葉芽淺褐色。葉闊橢圓形,葉長3.7-16.7厘米,葉寬2.5-13厘米,葉子基部為偏斜形,基部兩側不對稱,葉子尖端銳尖形或圓形   Leaf: The foliage buds are acute, slightly falcate, downy, light brown. The leaves are oval, 3.7–16.7 cm long and 2.5–13 cm broad, oblique at the base, acute or rounded at the apex, with a wavy-toothed or shallowly lobed margin.
花:花淡黃色至亮黃色,稀為橙色或紅色,有四片絲帶形的花瓣,花瓣長1-2厘米,雄蕊短,四枚   Flower: The flowers are pale to bright yellow, rarely orange or reddish, with 1–2 cm long and the flower calyx is deeply four-parted, very downy, orange brown within, imbricate in bud, persistent, cohering with the base of the ovary.
果: 果實為木質的蒴果,長1-1.4厘米,果實在授粉後一年才成熟,果實成熟時會由頂端爆裂開來,彈射出兩粒亮黑色的種子,種子可以彈開到離母樹十米以上的地方 Fruit: The fruit is a hard woody capsule 10–14 mm long, which splits explosively at the apex at maturity one year after pollination, ejecting the two shiny black seeds up to 10 m distant from the parent plant.  
性味功能 甘;平 脾經 Properties Contain the medicinally active constituent hamamelitannin
主治 解熱、止血、通經活絡 Treats Antipyretic, hemostasis, and stimulate the menstrual flow
知多一點點: 美洲原住民通過煮沸灌木的莖並製作用於治療腫脹,炎症和腫瘤的湯劑來製作金縷梅提取物。 More to learn: Native Americans produced witch hazel extract by boiling the stems of the shrub and producing a decoction, which was used to treat swellings, inflammations, and tumors.

Previous Scientific Research (if any):

The extract of the bark has a convergent effect and is added to the cosmetic as an astringent.Witch Hazel contains a variety of tannins such as Ellagtannin and Hamamlitannin to regulate sebum secretion, moisturizing and whitening effects.

Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
Medical Usage of Hong Kong Witch Hazel  
Plant Profile on Hong Kong Witch Hazel
General information on Hong Kong Witch Hazel  
The Benefits and Uses of Witch Hazel  


Q1. What will happen when the fruit of witch hazel is fully matured?

Ans: the fruit will splits explosively at the apex, which will eject the two shinny black seed up to 10 m distant from the parent plant.

Q2. Which parts of the witch hazel have medical use?

Ans: Witch hazel leaves and bark. They are used to cure minor skin injuries, local inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, haemorrhoids and varicose vein symptoms.

Q3. Why witch hazel’s stems can help treat bruise?

 Ans: It is because the witch hazel contains anti-inflammatory effects which is effective in suturing wound on minor skin.

(Beginner) Guidelines: Answer can be directly harvested from the information given. e.g. Q1. …..? Answer: ……..
(Elementary) Guidelines: Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links. e.g. Q2.…..? Answer: ……..
(Advanced) Guidelines: Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions. Q3. …….. Answer: ……..

Biological drawing:

Design works:

Alien’s name: 進擊的肚腩仔