RS012 Coral Limestone

Class: 5C
Name: Wun Sum Yu
Year: 2017 – 2018
地質年代:古近紀(32-22百萬年前) 化學組成, 鍵及結構:海洋生物的殼和骨骼裏的碳酸钙, 方解石, 霰石, 白雲, 珊瑚 


Geological Age:

Oligocene Period (32–22 million years ago)


Chemical composition, bonding and structure:

calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from the shells or skeleton of marine organisms, calcite, aragonite, dolomite, coral








When the marine organisms die, their shell and skeletal debris are remained and accumulated as sediments. Corals and coral fragments are built up. They are compacted by weight of overlying layers. Though long-time compaction, coral limestone is formed.


在顏色方面, 珊瑚石灰岩大多數是白色或灰色, 或可能因為有碳的成分, 所以是有色的(天藍色, 黑色)。


在石頭顆粒大小方面, 他們通常是幼粒的。在質感方面, 他們是由顆粒構成的, 顆粒狀的, 包含珊瑚和珊瑚碎片。









For color, it usually white or grey, but maybe colored due to content of carbon (blueish, black).

For grain size, they are fine grained.

For texture, they are mostly granular, containing fragments of corals.



珊瑚石灰岩是工廠裏的原材料。他能加進牙膏, 紙張, 塑膠, 油漆, 瓦片和其他物料。



It is the raw material for the manufacture.

It can be also added to toothpaste, paper, plastics, paint, tiles, and other materials as both white pigment and a cheap filler.

It is an aggregate in concrete and asphalt.


在台灣, 石灰岩是能夠找到的, 主要位於西南部海岸。

在中國, 石灰岩分佈地區在西南部海岸。雲南、貴州、廣西的石灰岩很發達。

還有, 石灰岩大多分佈在南歐的巴爾幹半島, 爾幹半島中的國家包括斯洛維尼亞,克羅埃西亞,波士尼亞與赫塞哥維那,塞爾維亞等等。





In Taiwan, limestone is found there, which mainly distributed at South-west coast.

In china, the distribution area of limestone is in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. In Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi, limestone is advancedAlso, limestones are mostly distributed in the Balkans peninsula. Countries such as Slovenia,
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Serbia, etc. 





More to learn:

Calcium carbonate in limestone is easily dissolved by acid rain. Some buildings made by limestone are corroded