

Class and Class No. 3E(11)
Name Chow Chin Hong
Year: 2017-2018


Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name: 瓜萎
Family Name (科名): 葫蘆科  Cucurbitaceae
Scientific name (學名): Trichosanthes kirilowii
Common name (俗名): kirilowii、糖瓜瓜。




Growth habit:

Born in mountains, steep cliffs among the crevices.


葉片紙質,輪廓近圓形,長寬均約5-20釐米,常3-5 (-7) 淺裂至中裂,稀深裂或不分裂而僅有不等大的粗齒,裂片菱狀倒卵形、長圓形,先端鈍,急尖,邊緣常再淺裂,葉基心形,彎缺深2-4釐米,上表面深綠色,粗糙,背面淡綠色,兩面沿脈被長柔毛狀硬毛,基出掌狀脈5條,細脈網狀;葉柄長3-10釐米,具縱條紋,被長柔毛。卷鬚3-7歧,被柔毛。


Leaves of paper, the outline of nearly circular, length and width are about 5-20 cm, often 3-5 (-7) lobed to the crack, thin rift or not split only with unequal large coarse teeth, lobes rhombic Obovate, oblong, apex obtuse, acute, margin often shallowly lobed, leaflike basal, curved absent 2-4 cm, upper surface dark green, coarse, abaxially pale green, both surfaces veined along veins villous Hirsutal, basal palmalic 5, veins reticulate; petiole 3-10 cm long, with longitudinal stripes, villous. Tendulous 3-7-branched, pilose.


單花花梗長約15釐米,花梗長約3毫米,小苞片倒卵形或闊卵形,長1.5-2.5 (-3) 釐米,寬1-2釐米,中上部具粗齒,基部具柄,被短柔毛;花萼筒筒狀,長2-4釐米,頂端擴大,徑約10毫米,中、下部徑約5毫米,被短柔毛,裂片披針形,長10-15毫米,寬3-5毫米,全緣;花冠白色,裂片倒卵形,長20毫米,寬18毫米,頂端中央具1綠色尖頭,兩側具絲狀流蘇,被柔毛;花藥靠合,長約6毫米,徑約4毫米,花絲分離,粗壯,被長柔毛。雌花單生,花梗長7.5釐米,被短柔毛;花萼筒圓筒形,長2.5釐米,徑1.2釐米,裂片和花冠同雄花;子房橢圓形,綠色,長2釐米,徑1釐米,花柱長2釐米,柱頭3。果梗粗壯,長4-11釐米;果實橢圓形或圓形,長7-10.5釐米,成熟時黃褐色或橙黃色



Pedicels about 15 cm long, pedicels ca. 3 mm, bracteoles obovate or broadly ovate, 1.5-2.5 (-3) cm long, 1-2 cm wide, middle to upper coarsely toothed, base with stalked, Pubescent; calyx tube cylindric, 2-4 cm long, the top of the expansion, a diameter of about 10 mm, middle and lower diameter of about 5 mm, pubescent, lobes lanceolate, 10-15 mm long, 3- 5 mm, entire; corolla white, lobes obovate, 20 mm long, 18 mm wide, top with 1 green tip, filiform tassels on both sides, pilose; anther abutment, ca. 6 mm, 4 mm, filaments separated, stout, villous. Female flowers solitary, pedicels 7.5 cm long, pubescent; calyx tube cylindric, 2.5 cm long, 1.2 cm caliber, lobes and corolla flowers; ovary oval, green, 2 cm long, 1 cm in diam., Style 2 cm long, stigma 3. Fruiting pedicel stout, 4-11 cm long; fruit ellipsoid or rounded, 7-10.5 cm long, yellowish brown or orange-yellow when mature.





seeds ovate-elliptic, compressed, 11-16 mm long, 7-12 wide Mm, light brown, with edges near the edge. Flowering from May to August, the fruit from October to October








Runfei, phlegm, Sanjie, Hua Chang. Treatment of phlegm cough, chest paralysis, chest, lung atrophy hemoptysis, diabetes, jaundice, constipation, swollen initially.



More to learn:

White sugar with leaves for making tea. Medicinal use for Mucosal inflammation


Previous Scientific Research (if any):

1.          N/A


Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
General information on kirilowii https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%93%9C%E8%92%8C




(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1. Dried lychnophora flowers can be used for making tea. What are the medicinal values of lychnophora tea?

Answer: ……..

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2. Explain briefly how lychnophora useful?

Answer: ……..

(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3. Write down 5 uses of lychnophora.

Answer: ……..