

Class and Class No. 3E ( 7 )
Name Chan Tung Yin, Stephanie
Year: 2017-2018



Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name: 木賊
Family Name (科名): 木賊科 Equisetaceae
Scientific name (學名): Equisetum hyemale
Common name (俗名): Equisetum, Scouring Rush, Shave Grass ,Horse Tail, Dutch Rushes



習性:多年生草本。 Growth habit:  Perennial vegetation
葉:小葉輪生於節上,基部癒合,僅前端分離,癒合處鞘狀,深綠色,分離處灰白,齒葉早凋 Leaf: greatly reduced and usually non-photosynthetic. They contain a single, non-branching vascular trace, which is the defining feature of microphylls.
花:無 Flower: Without flower
果:無 Fruit:  Without fruit
性味功能: 甘、苦,平。歸肺、肝經。疏散風熱,明目退翳。 Properties: Sweet, Bitter.
主治 用於風熱目赤,翳障多淚。本品散風熱,退目翳,兼有發汗解表之功,主要應用於外感風熱,目赤翳障多淚,用於便血痔血。 Treats: disperses Wind-Heat, clears the eyes and eliminates superficial visual obstruction.Clears Heat and stops bleeding


More to learn: Horsetails are mostly homosporous, though in the field horsetail smaller spores give rise to male prothalli. The spores have four elaters that act as moisture-sensitive springs, assisting spore dispersal through crawling and hopping motions after the sporangia have split open longitudinally.[7]



Previous Scientific Research (if any):




Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
General information of Equisetum http://www.americandragon.com/Individualherbsupdate/MuZei.html
Chinese medicinal values of Equisetum http://yibian.hopto.org/yao/?yno=54
Advanced information of Equisetum (Chinese version) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/木贼属
Advanced information of Equisetum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equisetum#Description





(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1. Equisetum is a plant without flower and seed, than how does Equisetum reproduce?

Answer: ……..

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2. What are the medicinal values of  Equisetum in the past and at present?

Answer: ……..

(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3. What are the contraindication of Equisetum?

Answer: ……..