
Secondary 3 Science (Biology)

Mini-project on Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Information sheet


Class and Class No. 3A ( 11 )
Name: Lee Ka Kiu
Year: 2017-2018


Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.


Chinese name:


Family Name (科名): 三白草科 Saururaceae
Scientific name (學名): Houttuynia cordata
Common name (俗名): 折耳根截兒根豬鼻拱蕺菜臭草




Growth habit:

Grow in the wet place or mountain stream, often found in the wild, roadside, garden trees in more damp places



Leaf: Leaves opposite, on the top spikes




Flower: No calyx and petals, yellowish green spikes and  bisexual flowers, white flowers like the structure of the large involucral bracts, long in the inflorescence base


果:果期7—10月 Fruit: matured from July to October
性味功能 魚腥草性寒,搗汁,曬乾泡茶,清熱解毒,消癰排膿,利尿通淋


Properties cold, Daozhi, dried tea, detoxification, elimination of drainage pus, diuretic Tonglin
主治 用於肺癰吐膿,痰熱喘咳,熱痢,熱淋,癰腫瘡毒


Treats For tuberculosis spit pus, sputum heat cough, heat diarrhea, hot shower, carbuncle swollen sore


知多一點點:傳說魚腥草為觀音菩薩所傳。唐三藏西天取經之時候觀音池中的金魚下凡成精,後被觀音菩薩顯現出魚籃之像收服。 More to learn: Legend has it that Houttuynia is the Goddess of Mercy. Tang Sanzang West Tianjinguanyingjing Guanyin pool goldfish descends into fine, after being a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva showed like a fish basket to accept.



Previous Scientific Research (if any):



Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks
Introduction www.hktree.com/tree/Houttuynia%20cordata.htm
Benefits https://globalfoodbook.com/benefits-houttuynia-cordata-chameleon-plant
Preventive Effects https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2016/2581876/
Evaluation of antiviral activities https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1995764515002230




(Beginner) Guidelines:

Answer can be directly harvested from the information given.


Q1 Where does Houttuynia cordata grow?

Answer: It grows in the wild, roadside, garden trees in more damp places

(Elementary) Guidelines:

Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links.


Q2 What kind of diseases can be treated by Houttuynia cordata?

Answer: Infectious diseases,pneumonia, abnormal lung symptoms and SARS etc

(Advanced) Guidelines:

Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions.

Q3 Why Houttuynia cordata is good for treating infectious diseases?

Answer: It can be used for treating infectious diseases due to its anti-viral and antibacterial properties.


Houttuynia cordata heartleaf lizardtail fish herb plant