A panel of professionals, including Prof. Lam Hon Ming (Professor of Life Sciences of CUHK), Mr. George Jor (Founder of Grateful Green Group), Mr. Ricci Wong (Founder of HK Timberbank) and Mr. Fritz Pang (Registered Educational Psychologist), visited CFSS on 20 April 2022 (Wed). A discussion session and a campus tour were launched to understand the endless effort of CFSS in promoting Biodiversity Education in the past years.
The professional panel discussed with the teaching team the details of kicking off “CFSS Tree Project” on the campus. It is expected to strengthen understanding of the students and the public on Hong Kong Trees and the related conservation works through experiential learning activities, project learning, co-curricular activities and community services in the Project, with the synergized effort, to foster the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) altogether.