
Class and Class No. 3A ( 24 )

Class No. 24

Year: 2017-2018

Instruction: Type in useful information in the space provided.

Chinese name: 夏枯草

Family Name (科名): 唇形科Lamiaceae

Scientific name (學名): Prunella vulgaris

Common name (俗名): Self-heal麥穗夏枯草 鐵線夏枯草 鐵色草 乃東 燕面 白花草 六月干 大頭花 棒槌草

習性: 夏枯草是一種多年生草本植物。是一種原產於歐洲的多年生植物,但也可以在亞洲和美國的部分地區發現。根據種植的地區,夏枯草植物從6月至8月開放,帶有薰衣草或白色花朵。 Growth habit: Prunella is a perennial herb.It is a perennial plant native to Europe but can also be found growing in parts of Asia and the United States. Depending on the region grown, prunella plant blooms from June through August with lavender or white flowers.


葉尖是長矛狀,鋸齒狀和紅色。 Leaf: The leaves are lance shaped, serrated and reddish at the tip.









夏季(美國從六月到八月)。 Flower: The flowers grow from a clublike, somewhat square, whirled cluster; immediately below this club is a pair of stalkless leaves standing out on either side like a collar. Flowers are two lipped and tubular. The top lip is a purple hood, and the bottom lip is often white; it has three lobes, with the middle lobe being larger and fringed upwardly. Flowers bloom at different times depending on climate and other conditions, but mostly in summer (from June to August in the USA).

果: 果為小堅果,長圓狀卵形,頂端渾圓,背腹略為扁平,無毛,黃褐色。 Fruit: Fruit nutlets, oblong-ovate, rounded at the top, dorsally-ventral slightly flattened, glabrous, colour is in tan.


性寒,味苦、辛,無毒;歸肝、膽經。 Properties Cold, acrid, pungent, non-toxic; owned liver, gallbladder.






肝炎及細菌性痢疾等。 Treats Drain the lung heat, Sanjie swelling, detoxification, expectorant cough, cooling blood to stop bleeding. For lymph node tuberculosis, goiter, milk capnacles, head dizzy, Kouyanwaixie, bones pain, tuberculosis, vomiting, vaginal discharge, acute infectious jaundice hepatitis and bacillary dysentery.




作清涼被動暑劑。 More to learn: Prunella is the role of removing liver-fire for improving eyesight, with blood stasis, as well as the role of diuretic antihypertensive. Folk use it to make tea, for the cool summer heat.

Previous Scientific Research (if any):

1. 夏枯草化學與藥理學研究進展Research Progress on the Chemistry and Pharmacology of Prunella vulgaris Species 2. 夏枯草對細胞生長及凋亡相關蛋白表達的實驗研究The experimental research about the effect of Prunella vulgaris L. on Raji cells growth and expression of apoptosis related protein 3. 夏枯草促進癌症和HIV研究Prunella vulgaris inspires Cancer and HIV Research

Useful Link:

Topics Hyperlinks

General information on

Prunella vulgaris http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:455176-1

Gallery on Prunella vulgaris https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/prunella-vulgaris

Plant profile on Prunella

vulgaris https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=prvu

Extraction from Prunella

vulgaris https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14595592


(Beginner) Guidelines: Answer can be directly harvested from the information given. e.g. Q1.List out five treats of Prunella vulgaris? Answer: ……..

(Elementary) Guidelines: Answer can be obtained from the information given and the external links. e.g. Q2.Give out some examples of the common names of Prunella vulgaris? Answer: ……..

(Advanced) Guidelines: Question requires higher order thinking. More information should be found from external links or reference before answering the questions. Q3. What are the 3 subspecies of Prunella vulgaris? Answer: …