Improvement, Facilities & Curriculum

Characteristics of Science Curriculum in CFSS

(1) VR Experience

With the help of Virtual Reality, our S2 students had the chance to look at the appearance of the planets in the solar system as if they were floating in the universe. In addition, students can enrich their self-directed learning skills through finding out the information of an assigned plantet through iPad during lesson. They are also required to design a poster about interplanetary travel for their peers.




(2) Outdoor Experiments

A. Test the Acidity of Citrus FruitStudents conducted experiments in environmental trail. They compared the effect of dilution to an acid, which is extracted from citrus fruit, by tasting and the use of pH indicator.



B. Chemical Reaction Car – Students designed and made “the fastest” car by applying what they have learnt about science (e.g. force and chemical reaction).

Science acitivty – carbon dioxide car


Video on STREAM Education in CFSS