ML278 Chrysanthemum Stone

Code: ML278

名稱: 菊花石Name: Chrysanthemum Stone
化學公式: 石灰石中SrSO4的徑向生長Chemical Formula: Radial growth of SrSO4 in limestone
莫氏硬度: 7Mohs scale of Hardness: 7
描述: 菊花石,有時被稱為“花石”,是數百萬年 前由於地質運動和岩石中的自然形成 而產生的石頭“花”。 石頭的圖案 很像菊花。 花是乳白色的,顆粒清晰。Description: Chrysanthemum stone, sometimes called “flower stone,” is a stone “flower” produced millions of years ago due to geological movement and natural formation in the rock. The stone’s pattern resembles the chrysanthemum flower. The flower is milky white and grain is clear.  
小挑戰:  問:菊花石有哪些危害?  答:它沒有危險特性。Challenge: Q: What are the hazards of chrysanthemum stone?   A: It has no hazards characteristics.


by Hung Yuen Ying on 17 April 2021