RM016 Pink Gneiss

Class: 5D
Name: Cheung Pak Tung
Year: 2017 – 2018


地質年代:(化石) (岩石)

化學組成, 鍵及結構:(礦物)




Geological Age: (Fossil) (Rock)

Chemical composition, bonding and structure: (Mineral)

For the light coloured bands, the rocks usually contain felsic minerals such as feldspar (orthoclase, plagioclase) and quartz.


For the dark coloured bands, it mostly contains mafic minerals such as biotite, pyroxene (augite) and amphibole ( hornblende)

形成:(岩石) (礦物)

片麻岩通常由匯聚板塊邊界的區域變質作用形成。 它是一種高品位的變質岩石,礦物顆粒在強熱和高壓下發生再結晶。 這種改變增加了礦物顆粒的大小,並將它們分離成帶狀物,這種變化使岩石及其礦物在變質環境中更加穩定。


Formation:(Rock) (Mineral)

It is formed by regional metamorphism at convergent plate boundaries. As the recrystallization carry out under intense heat and pressure, it is a high-grade metamorphic rock. This change of rocks increased the size of the mineral grains and segregated them into bands, stabilize the rock.








In term of texture, it is foliated, foliation on a scale of cm or more.

In term of grain size, it is ranging from medium to coarse grained, easily observed by eyes

In term of hardness, it is hard.

In term of colour, it has various kinds of colours and usually alternating lighter and darker sub-parallel discontinuous bands.



用途:(岩石) (礦物)

由於片麻岩的硬度,它被用作道路施工,建築場地準備和園林綠化項目的碎石。 此外,這些岩石被鋸成或剪切成用於各種建築物,鋪路和遏制項目的磚塊和石板。 它們中的一些具有明亮的拋光劑,並且對建築用途如地板磚,飾面石材,樓梯踏板等具有吸引力

Application: (Rock) (Mineral)

Due to the hardness of Gneiss, it is used as a crushed stone in road construction, building site preparation, and landscaping projects. Also, these rocks are sawn or sheared into blocks and slabs used in a variety of building, paving, and curbing projects. Some of them have a bright polish and are attractive for the architectural use like floor tiles, facing stone, stair treads, etc.